Your Small Business Website as your No. 1 Success Weapon

Powered by an Engine built to foster Mass Entrepreneurship, build Minicorns Unicorns..


Visibility, Reputation

Enhance your Online Visibility and Reputation right from your own website spending few minutes a week.

Easy, Can-do-Myself & Auotomated Marketing powered by Tech.

Lead Generation, Reach

Order right from your website your need of generating Leads, reaching a Target Audience with something.

The Super Engine backing your site works to fulfill your order.

Service, Relationships

Meet the level of Service, Care people expect from a Business or Provider today, even as a Solo Professional or Small Business.

Stay in Sync. Keep Consumers, Prospects of your offerings updated seamlessly.

Work, Operate Smarter

What good is it if at the end of the day we don't get enough time for the things that make life complete, meaningful and rejuvenating.

Save Time - Get Organised - Have more Giggles with a Congruent Tool Suite.

Website FAQ

Get your Success Weapon by selecting Objectives, Features that matter to you.

Select Goals

Get the power of a Super Engine innovated & built over the years to support Mass Entrepreneurship and to Fuel Growth.

We are able to make a Small Business Website a Smart Weapon using CaaS Engine (Capability as a Service) from OoayDo.
Anything that can be done online or digitally is a Capability in the realm of CaaS Engine.
